SEND Local Offer
What is SEND?
SEND is an acronym for ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’.
How does Diddydots know if children need extra help and what our parents/carers should do if they think their child may have SEND?
At Diddydots children are observed and their development is monitored regularly. The children’s needs are met and staff are experienced in assessing and planning next steps for the children. If you have any concerns about your child you should speak to your child’s key person, SENCo or Manager.
How will Diddydots support my child?
Every child at Diddydots has their own key person who will work with your child and identify their individual needs. The key person will work with our setting’s SENCo to plan your child’s next steps. Our SENCo will advise staff of activities to use to support your child’s development and spend time working alongside the staff also. If necessary a ‘Steps to Success’ plan is devised by our SENCo and including the parents/carers.
How does Diddydots create learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND?
At Diddydots children are treated as individuals and activities are planned in line with children’s interests, needs and progress. Staff plan on a weekly basis; ensuring activities are differentiated according to the children who are in the setting on that day. We implement an observation and assessment process whereby we make regular observations which then feed into our assessment records, then into our planning and the cycle continues. Please see diagram below.
How does Diddydots work in partnership with parents/carers?
We start by using a One Page Profile where you are able to tell us what is important to and for your child, what their areas of strength are, what people like and admire about them and how best we can support them. This form the start of a system called One planning which puts the parents/carer at the centre of the process and ensures all professionals contribute to a single plan that could form the basis of an Educational Health Care Plan should that be required. Diddydots will share all development records, assessments and next steps with parents/carers as these are developed and reviewed. Parents/carers will be asked for their comments and feedback on their child’s development and identified next steps towards outcomes that have been identified as important to and for your child. Regular opportunities for consultations are held offering parents/carers the opportunity to come along to the setting and discuss their child’s progress with their key person. At Diddydots we operate an ‘open door’ policy ensuring we are available to spend time with parents/carers to discuss their child’s learning and development, celebrate their achievements and offer advice and support. We also take time to arrange meetings with parents/carers to discuss individual needs of children and how together we can meet these needs.
How does Diddydots support the wellbeing of young children with SEND?
We have an experienced team at Diddydots, including 2 SEND trained staff (1 of which is our lead SENCo, who oversees all SEND within the setting). Together these staff are able to recognise where extra support may be required and where this support can be gained. The majority of our staff are first aid trained and in instances when prescribed medication needs to be administered then where possible the child’s key person will administer this. Parents/carers will be required to sign our medication form to give us authorisation to administer medication.
Here at Diddydots we promote positive behaviour through positive reinforcement and our Behavioural Coordinator supports parents/carers and practitioners with behavioural strategies and advice. Behaviour is not classed as a SEND and we will work with you to identify why the behaviour may be happening, which may be due to immaturity or poor language skills.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Diddydots?
Diddydots has excellent professional relationships with outside agencies and we welcome specialists and other professionals involved with your child’s care, to visit your child here at Diddydots and share information with practitioners. We have regular contact with our area SENCo who helps us to support our children with SEND, access to the local Health Visitor, Speech and Language Therapist and Local Children’s Centre.
What training are the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or having?
Our staff have a wealth of experience and training including SEND, SENCo, promoting positive behaviour, speech and language training, first aid and we work hard to ensure staff have opportunities to continue their professional development. Staff work together, sharing experiences and offering each other support and advice to ensure they provide the best support for children with SEND.
How does Diddydots include young children with SEND in community based activities and outings?
Regular contact with parents/carers helps us to ensure that any activity we undertake is carefully planned for in line with children’s individual needs and interests. Staff are competent in completing risk assessments for outings where children’s needs are catered for and where necessary additional staff are employed to provide further support.
How accessible is our environment?
Our building is fully wheelchair accessible and we have a disabled toilet which can be accessed by both adults and children. We are happy to work with families to access any specialist equipment needed. Staff use simple Makaton signs during circle times and some signs are displayed within the setting (these are reminders for us and visitors).
How does Diddydots prepare and support young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another setting or school?
When joining Diddydots children are offered two complimentary induction sessions before their official start date. During these visits we will arrange a meeting with the child’s parents/carers to discuss the individual needs of their child and how together we can support them within the setting. When a child leaves our setting to either join another setting or start school, we will liaise your consent with the new setting or school sharing information and strategies to help aid a smooth transition.
How does Diddydots organise its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND?
We normally try to operate above the required child to adult ratio ensuring all children are well supported. However should your child require more enhanced support we would seek the help and advice from our Area SENCo or another member of the Specialist teacher team to see if additional funding can be accessed to provide this enhanced support usually from their key person. SEN is the responsibility of all staff but our lead SENCo regularly spends time with our SEND children organising and carrying out targeted activities and experiences. She will observe and assess the children and feedback relevant information to the staff and especially your child’s key person which informs assessment records.
During transition we assess the children’s current environment and the environment they will be moving to. The child’s needs will determine whether they will remain in the environment they are familiar with for a little longer or whether the new environment needs to be adapted to accommodate them and their needs.
Resources are shared within the setting allowing staff to use a range of equipment suitable for the children in their care.
How do we decide on appropriate support for young children with SEND?
Once your child has registered at Diddydots the lead SENCo and manager will meet with you to discuss your child’s individual needs and the appropriate support needed to meet these needs. We will work together with parents/carers and any other professionals involved writing a ‘My Steps to Success’ indicating identified needs and the steps to success. This will be reviewed regularly by the child’s key person and shared with parents/carers.
How does Diddydots involve all parents/carers in our setting?
We hold regular parent/carer consultation events and we invite parents/carers in for activities such as; Mother’s Day Lunch and Daddy’s Breakfast and story week. Parents/carers are always welcome in the setting to share a story or get involved in messy activities or hold a circle time. We encourage parents/carers feedback via newsletters and surveys and where possible put new ideas and suggestions in place.
a clear analysis is made of a child's needs.
Start here
Experiences, opportunities, learnng environment, resources and the practitioners role.
Differentiated activity and what support to be offered.
Meet with parents and review progress, what has/has not worked, what now?
If you require any further information please contact:
Rachel Lipscombe – Nursery owner/Manager
01621 778965, 07875500777, 07903585922
For even more support, here is the link to what Essex has to offer